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Wirral Multicultural Organisation (WMO) is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. Its purpose offer a range of professional and culturally sensitive services to improve the overall health and wellbeing for all people from Ethnic Minority backgrounds. A key focus is to support more vulnerable people from Ethnic Minority backgrounds. by providing language support, advocacy, social support and activities, assistance to access primary care services and including advice and education services.
There are women only ESOL classes at two centres which have creches for children:
  • Toxteth Tabernacle, Park Road, Toxteth, Liverpool, L8 8AN – Wed/Fri.
  • Earle Road Hub, 140 Earle Road, Liverpool, L7 6HH – Tues/Thurs.
Classes run in term time only. There is also a donations room where woman can choose pre-loved clothes for themselves and their  families.
We offer a variety of ESOL courses which are suitable for learners whose first language is not English. Learners develop their reading, writing, listening, speaking skills and also grow their knowledge of the English language. If you are interested,  please complete the registration form online or email us at info@crawford-house.org.uk.
New College Group (NCG) is a specialist college providing English Language tuition with schools located in some of the best student cities in the UK and Ireland. Meet students from around the world and learn English whilst you have fun and make friends with New College Group English Language schools. Our friendly and supportive team are always on hand to help you with anything you need and make sure that you have a successful student journey, making unbeatable memories that will last a lifetime. Courses offered: General English, IELTS, Skills Classes
Wirral Change is a multi-award-winning charity dedicated to empowering and improving the lives of all Ethnic Minority Communities across the Wirral through tailored support, guidance, and advocacy via a wide range of services such as interpreting, health, asylum support and more. We also offer ESOL classes to help you integrate and secure employment and training opportunities.

We have a range of classes rom pre-entry to level 1. Our helpful team will help your learn at your pace and grow in your confidence. If you would like to attend ESOL classes, please contact our team on 0151 649 8177.

If English isn’t your main language, our English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses can help you improve all aspects of your language skills. Our ESOL courses offered start at pre-entry  up to level 2 and we also offer a community interpreting course. Our experienced staff will support you to improve your English and gain a nationally recognised qualification. Students also learn how to access travel, housing, healthcare and the job market alongside tours of our city region. All classes are held on-campus at Conway Park and are face to face. The ESOL department organises a varied social programme which you can take part in. It includes visits to the theatre, museums and visits to interesting places locally. If you would like to know more, please email or use this form to contact us: