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About us

Team and contacts

Asylum Lead

Strategic support with a focus on the asylum dispersal contracts. The asylum process is complex, difficult to navigate and often subject to change. We offer a means for partners to raise the issues that they’re facing, to be informed, share best practice, and have open communication. We engage with a range of stakeholders including, but not limited to, Local Government, The Home Office, Asylum Contract Providers, Voluntary and Statutory bodies.


Working with businesses, local authorities, DWP, social enterprises, local and national VCSES and directly with people of a forced migrant background to boost employment opportunities, the employability of the cohort and actively promoting the benefits of a diverse workforce. This is achieved through providing advice, training and guidance to businesses and job seekers and/or the under- employed.

Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas)

Working with local and national voluntary organisations, Hong Kong diaspora groups, Local and Central government, and other SMPs to support the welcome, integration and settlement of BN(O) visa holders in the region. Delivering the work of the North West Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Hub we are both supporting Government funded provision and directly commissioning and funding programmes of support on issues including: employment, integration, English language, Children and Young People, and community safety.

Migrant Health Lead

Work focuses on a holistic health response that includes a focus on the health, health experiences and the psychosocial environments of refugee, asylum seeking and other migrant communities. The role aims to bring together and work with a wide range of specialists, and traditional and non-traditional health care providers including colleagues across clinical services, housing, social support and community services, and faith communities. Key areas include: supporting access to training, specialist information, and peer support; working with colleagues to develop pathways of support; supporting the escalation of concerns with the Home Office and asylum contractors; and exploring new collaborative health projects.    

Resettlement Lead

Social Care Lead (including unaccompanied children)


Voluntary Sector

Our partners

The RSMP works in partnership with various organisations across the North West and nationally. These include: