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MHCLG funding to Support Children and Young People in the North West

MHCLG awarded funding earlier this year under the Children and Young People’s Resettlement Fund (CYPRF) to support the young people aged 21 and under, who have arrived in England via specific pathways from Ukraine, Hong Kong, and Afghanistan.

The North West can receive support from one of the following offers:

Barnardo’s – Barnardo’s Refugee Family Helpline

This Helpline has been created to support children, young people and their families seeking sanctuary in the United Kingdom. The Helpline provides emotional and practical support as well as advice and signposting. The Helpline also offers free therapeutic support to children and young people aged 21 and under who are living in England under the Ukraine and Afghanistan pathways. This is the first year of funding from DLUHC, with service delivery until 31st March 2025.

Catalyst – Catalyst Connects: Belonging Matters

The training and support programme aims to improve outcomes for children resettling into Greater Manchester from Ukraine, Afghanistan and Hong Kong, and is fully funded with no additional charges for participants. The programme content is relevant to the needs of refugees, families displaced by war and International New Arrivals more generally

IRC – Healing Classrooms and Healing Spaces

Healing Classrooms The International Rescue Committee’s Healing Classrooms programme is a trauma-informed training that supports schools and educators in developing inclusive and nurturing learning spaces where refugee and asylum-seeking children can gain the necessary academic, social and emotional skills to develop their full potential. All the sessions can be delivered online or in person and are free. You can book an online session and download resources on the website – Healing Classrooms UK. Alternatively, you can request a session just for your school by emailing [email protected].

Healing Spaces The International Rescue Committee’s Healing Spaces programme is a trauma-informed training that supports any organisations, community groups or companies that work with refugee and asylum-seeking youth outside of school. The training helps providers to better understand the refugee experience, how to work in a trauma-informed way and create safe a nurturing space where refugee and asylum-seeking children and youth can thrive. For more information including how to book a session please visit – Healing Spaces UK

Hong Kong Well – Advisory and Counselling Services for BNO Visa holding families in ENGLAND

Advisory Services
You will speak to case officers who had social work training from Hong Kong. They will provide the following:

  • Information on local emotional health support services;
  • A step by step guide and tips on how to reach out for help with schools
  • Referral of children to HK Well UK triage assessment service
  • Referral of children to HK Well UK counselling service as recommended by the assessment
  • Contacts of Cantonese speaking therapists and psychologists
  • Information on special education needs (SEN) support in Area

Triage emotional health assessment and counselling
Registered psychologists, therapists and counsellors based either in the UK will provide the following:

  • Triage Assessment: One online session to assess whether the children need counselling or intervention.
  • Counselling Services: A maximum of eight sessions of online counselling or therapy for the children. The clients may be referred to other local organisations.