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Search services and support for migrants

At BwD Adult Learning we run ESOL courses, amongst many other learning opportunities, from our two main centres together with a range of Community Venues, including Bangor Street Community Centre. We offer courses from Pre-Entry to Entry 3 both accredited and non-accredited. ESOL Referrals from Partners: In terms of referring learners, here’s a link to the form which we ask partners to complete: https://forms.office.com/r/zHqdyJq2Nu ESOL self-referrals from potential learners: And learners can refer themselves by contacting us at [email protected] or calling 01254 507720. They can also walk-in to one of our centres: Bank Top Neighbourhood Learning Centre 2 Arthur Way Blackburn BB2 1QP Or Audley Neighbourhood Learning Centre Pringle Street Blackburn BB1 1SF Please email or call us for more information or to join an ESOL course.