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Search services and support for migrants

We are a constituted voluntary community group based in Warrington that is open to anyone who is a host or guest under the Government Homes for Ukraine scheme or family scheme. Our aim is to provide a safe place and essential care for all of our members and create a sense of family. We have over 350 Ukrainian members registered at the hub including 140 children. We have over 70 volunteers also registered. On Sundays we provide refreshments, a social space for children and adults, children’s organised play activities, adult activities such as art and music sessions. On Wednedays we provide English lessons for children and adults. We celebrate all major UK and Ukrainian festivals – e.g Easter, Christmas, Ukrainian Independence Day. We organise trips for our families e.g. theatre trips, trips to the lakes, Chester and York to help engender a sense of community and provide some good experiences for our guests. We provide both emotional and practical support including support to settle into the UK including navigating the benefits system, supporting those moving into their own home including talking to landlords, helping source furniture and equipment.