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Search services and support for migrants

EQUAL EDUCATION CHANCES is a charity organisation founded in 2017. We support families raising a disabled child. We promote youth social action. Offer empowerment opportunities to adults and advocate for migrants who are seeking school places, jobs or disability support. We also have conversational ESOL classes, please email for more information.
BRASS is a registered charity providing befriending and support services for refugees, asylum seekers and refused asylum seekers living in Bolton.
  • Specialised advice on immigration and asylum, citizenship and rights under the law.
  • Support and information to access public services e.g. Health, Housing, statutory agencies etc.
  • English classes with trained ESOL tutors and volunteers. We offer
    • Zoom ESOL classes
    • Face to face classes
    • Conversation cafes
    • One to one help
    • Single language classes to support communities
    For more information, please call us on 01204 397152 or send an email to [email protected], and we will get back to you.
  • Workshops to promote understanding of UK life, rights and responsibilities and community participation.
  • Opportunities, training and support to develop skills as peer supporters and volunteers.
  • Support to move into employment through skills development, job search, CV writing and confidence building.
  • Reducing isolation and promoting well-being through creative, fitness, healthy eating and group activities and drop-in and befriending services.
  • Signposting to appropriate agencies and organisations, locally and nationally.
We are a small Community Centre based in a church hall. We offer adult learning; exercise and other activities for adults and children; and community events. Our Community Hub provides emergency food and fuel top-ups, refers to local food banks, etc. and signposts to other sources of support, as well as hosting Citizens Advice. We are proud of our reputation as a place where everyone in our community is welcomed Our ESOL classes are for pre-entry to entry 3 level. There is a waiting list to join an ESOL course at the moment do please email to be added to the list if you wish. Class times:
  • Monday ESOL Conversation – 13 – 14.30pm, term time only.
  • ESOL and Employability – Tuesdays 10-12am.
  • ESOL and Wellbeing – Fridays 10-12am.
  • Discover Manchester ESOL Conversation – Fridays 10-11.30 term time only.
We offer our ESOL Course at entry 1 – level 1 and we also have a Health and Social Care Course available.  Also, we provide welfare benefits advice and basic IT Support for people with little to no experience with computers. We also have a work club where we support people create/update their CV’s, help people apply for jobs and prepare for interviews. Class times: Entry 1: 9:30AM – 12:00PM from Monday – Thursday Entry 2: 12:00PM to 2:30PM from Monday – Thursday Entry 3: 9:15AM to 11:45AM from Tuesday – Friday Level 1: 12:15PM to 2:45PM from Tuesday – Friday
We are based in Manchester City Centre but support clients from all 10 Greater Manchester Local  Authorities and deliver outreach in those Local Authority areas to meet clients face to face. We offer employment support and staff have a range of target languages in order to support clients referred to us.
Rainbow Haven is a community hub based in East Manchester, providing community drop-in sessions that offers support and activities for refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants. When we are open (Tuesday-Thursday) you can join classes and activities (including English classes and referrals to support to find work), have a hot drink and a lunchtime meal, and meet up with other people. We can also give you information about all our other activities, including: English classes, maths classes, arts and crafts, choir, gardening, computer club, and Mama and Baby Group. Our advice drop-in (Tuesday and Thursdays only) can offer support with destitution, housing and benefits advice and more. ESOL classes (registration needed) Beginner/Entry 1, Tuesdays 10-12 Complete beginner/Pre-Entry, Wednesdays 10-12 Intermediate/Entry 2-3, Thursdays 10-12 Drop-in: Conversation class, all levels, Tuesdays 1-3 Writing practice, beginners, Thursdays 10-12 All sessions are rolling and take place during Manchester term-time.