Four pairs of arms in the air with a light blue sky background

Hong Kong Community

We are collecting information on Hong Kong Community groups that cover the North West region. The below list is not exhaustive and we will be continually be updating this with other groups … Read more

Modern terraced houses


The Government has a comprehensive guide on How to rent in England and there is more information on the Private Renting page on the GOV.UK website. A letter to landlords and letting … Read more

Two people at the desk with a laptop and a notebook


There are many non-governmental organisations and public bodies that offer support and independent advice with different issues. Some organisations may only cover particular geographic areas and some may charge for services and … Read more

A crowd of people walking down a street

UK Government

Information on all government departments and many other agencies/public bodies can be found on the GOV.UK website. Below are links to some of the frequently requested information: How to apply for a … Read more

A blue statoscope on a keyboard


There are lots of health services available throughout the UK – some are provided by the NHS, some provided by local organisations and others provided by private providers. Whether these services are … Read more