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Support for BN(O) visa holders
There is a lot of support available to BN(O) visa holders to help them settle in the region. There is support to integrate into UK life, society and local communities, while ensuring people can continue to celebrate their culture and language. Some of the support available is funded by Government, other support is available through councils and some from local voluntary organisations.
Government Support
The Government has launched a national Welcome Programme to support BN(O) visa holders who are arriving into the country.
As part of this programme there is funding available to local councils to support BN(O) visa holders to access English language classes. For more information please see our page on English Language Support for BN(O) Visa holders.
The Government has also provided funding to councils to support BN(O) visa holders who are at risk of destitution. If you are at risk of destitution, you can apply to have your No Recourse to Public Funds condition lifted. Once you submit this application you can go to your council for support. Councils can claim up to £2,720 per BN(O) household to support you while you wait for your application to be decided. You can visit our Information on funded support page for councils for more information.
The Government has also funded VCFSE organisations to deliver support to BN(O) visa holders.
For more information on these organisations, and to for information on all other types of support offered by the Government, please see the Welcome: a guide for Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa holders in the UK on GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Support from the Regional Strategic Migration Partnership (RSMP)
The Government has created 12 Welcome Hubs across the UK. The North West RSMP hosts the North West Welcome Hub. The Welcome Hubs have their own budgets and commission projects and programmes to support BN(O) visa holders in their regions and devolved nations.
In the North West we regularly fund VCFSE organisations to deliver programmes of support right across the region. Programmes of support include employment, integration, English language and other support needs.
For more information on work we have funded previously, please email [email protected]
Support from Local VCFSE Organisations
VCFSE organisations across the North West offer dozens of programmes of support, some of which will be accessible to BN(O) visa holders. The best way to find courses, projects, classes and programmes near you is to search the directory of services on the our Find Services page on our website.