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Where to find immigration advice
Since the introduction of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, immigration advice is regulated in the UK. Giving immigration advice when unregulated is a criminal offence. Therefore, if you need to access immigration advice, it is important that you access an accredited immigration advisor.
You can get immigration advice from an immigration adviser if you need help with getting permission to stay in the UK.
Immigration advisers can help you with most things to do with immigration, including helping you to fill in the right forms and representing you at a tribunal. They do not make immigration decisions.
Find a registered immigration adviser
Use the Immigration Advice Authority Adviser Finder to find a registered adviser near you – (gov.uk).
All immigration advisers must be registered with the Immigration Advice Authority – (gov.uk) or be a member of an approved professional body – (gov.uk).
If you want legal help
You can find solicitors who give immigration advice through:
- The Law Society – (solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk) if you live in England or Wales
- The Law Society of Scotland – (lawscot.org.uk)
- The Law Society of Northern Ireland – (lawsoc-ni.org.uuk)
A solicitor can help manage your case and find a barrister.
If you’re managing your own case but want legal advice or advocacy, you can find a barrister through:
- The Bar Council’s Direct Access scheme – (barcouncil.org.uk) if you live in England or Wales
- The Faculty of Advocates (advocates.org.uk) if you live in Scotland
- The Bar of Northern Ireland – (barofni.com)
(Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0 – (nationalarchives.gov.uk))
Other Resources
- Migrant Organise – (migrantorganise.org.uk) have produce a helpful poster to find and learn about immigration advice.
- The Right to Remain Toolkit – (righttoremain.org.uk) provides an overview of the asylum system.
- If you’re based in the North West, Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit – (gmiau.org) have an advice line that you can contact. Their contact number is 0161 740 7722. The line operates on a Monday morning, Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning.