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Search services and support for migrants

We are a Development Education Centre (DEC) based in Lancaster. We run workshops, exhibitions, training and other events in schools, colleges and the wider community on global citizenship issues such as diversity, human rights, migration, Fairtrade, climate change and sustainable development. We also provide a range of support services and integration activities for refugees and asylum seekers including ESOL classes. We have mixed level ESOL classes and also an ESOL conversation class. Parent and toddler classes are also available, please enquire for more information.
‘Kind Local’ is the newest addition to Kind Communities. Created in 2024, Kind Local aims to bring resettlers (refugees and asylum seekers) and local communities together through food. Kind Local has the simple aim of providing a social hub, where women can socialise, learn English, exercise and eat together. No matter who you are or your background. Everyone is welcome. Kind Local is based at the Catherine Beckett centre, Deepdale, Preston PR1 5AR every Thursday between 10am- 1pm. Please come along, there’s no need to book!  
At Sahara we provide a wide range of courses for members of the local community. We provide training in the following fields that can be really useful for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants:
  • ESOL
  • Preparation for Life in the UK
  • Community Interpreter Level 2
We offer an holistic approach to our training courses as we understand the difficulties experienced in language barriers, cultural barriers, new surroundings etc. Our ESOL classes are pre pre-entry to entry 3 for unaccredited learning and we offer functional skills at level 1 and 2. We also offer fitness and sports classes, a group for the elderly and more courses like: nail, art, sewing, henna, IT, maths and more. Please email for more information!  
UCLan’s TESOL teacher trainees are providing fun, engaging, communicative ESOL classes every week during term time.  The classes are supervised by the TESOL lecturers. The classes are free and everyone is welcome including refugees and asylum seekers. Please drop in if you’d like to attend!   Classes are run out of Livesey House on Preston Campus. Lower level (entry 1 – 2) – Room 126
  • Tues + Thurs – 13 – 15pm.
  • Friday – 11am – 13pm.
Higher level (entry 3 & level 1) – Room 127
  • Tues + Thurs – 13 – 15pm.
  • Friday – 11am – 13pm.
At Sanctuary Cookalongs, we run various cooking workshops and events that are refugee led while learning English through recipes from peoples home countries that we cook together and eat. Most sessions are women only and a creche is provided – but please check before you attend. Our sessions run in Preston at various locations near the city centre. Please email or call for more information!
At Cooking with English, we provide fun, interactive ESOL learning by cooking our favourite dishes together. Join us to improve your conversational English and make friends in a relaxed  space. These sessions are for women only. Please look at our facebook page or email us for more information.
The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programmes at Knowsley Community College are designed for adult (19+) speakers whose first language is not English, who are living or trying to settle in England. The courses aim to develop listening, speaking, reading, writing and understanding of the English language, whatever the starting level of knowledge. ESOL courses are designed to help you improve your level of English to get more out of your life in the U.K., and to make it easier to:
  • talk to doctors, teachers, bank or shop assistants
  • fill in administrative forms
  • understand laws and customs
  • help your children with homework
  • study or train for a qualification
  • look for employment or apply for citizenship
All courses follow the national ESOL Skills for Life curriculum system and you will be taught all four skills of language learning: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. You will sit an examination for each of these skills. You will be required to do homework and to study outside of class time, as this is an important part of the learning. You will have access to the College’s library to use the computers for college work, to study in the library or to borrow books or magazines. Before you start an ESOL programme with us you will receive an interview and assessment to ensure that you are placed at the correct level to help you progress and achieve. This course will take place at our Main Campus, Huyton, Liverpool, L36 3SD. Our ESOL courses are free for EU citizens or those with a right to remain. An eligibility assessment will be carried out once we receive your details. If you want to know more please email us.
Our Functional Skills English with ESOL support courses are FREE for anyone who is a UK resident, 19+ and does not have a grade C/4+ in the subject.