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Search services and support for migrants

Every refugee deserves a friend. We vet and train good local volunteers to meet a local refugee or asylum seeker for 1:1 friendship. Our scheme supports well-being, loneliness and language skills.
Manchester Communities is a not-for-profit organisation. We aim to support people from migrant and culturally diverse communities to connect to community resources, receive practical help, and undertake educational and group activities, including volunteering so that people can improve their chances of finding work, making friends and engaging in their local communities. We also provide ESOL classes for BNO learners from Pre-entry to Entry 3. These classes take place every Monday and Tuesday in r. Our arts, crafts, and health/wellbeing activities take place every Friday afternoon in the Community Room 50 Brunswick Street.
Exodus is CAN’s refugee arts programme. Exciting programmes of new writing, original theatre, music, film, workshops and live performance platform the voices, experiences and artistic work of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants living in Greater Manchester, and support well-being agendas for people taking part.
We provide holistic support for women & girls, who have experienced significant adversity helping them build their confidence so they can thrive. Activities : Health & wellbeing, Befriending service for single mothers, confidence building Training, Cultural awareness on Cancer & domestic abuse , dance therapy , Heritage, practical & emotional support , skill acquisition, Pidgin English translation