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Search services and support for migrants

Support for asylum seekers varies from community to community. Some of the support our churches offer ranges from:
  • English language classes at no cost
  • Safe spaces to make new friends or to enjoy a meal
  • Carer and toddler groups are open to everyone
  •  Sunday worship
  • Midweek activities such as sports sessions or intergenerational activities.
  • Practical assistance through food banks and baby banks
Specialist provider of Art Psychotherapy and lead arts organisation for displaced people in the region. Also running Festival 31; annually having conversations in the wider communities about displacement and resettlement through creativity. Supporting artists of displaced experience.
Blackpool FC Community Trust is a forward-thinking charity, based at Bloomfield Road Stadium. We work with residents as young as 2 years old up to adults in the later stages of life and provide a diverse range of programmes to increase social inclusion opportunities; improve physical fitness, health and education; and lessen involvement in anti-social behaviour.
Exodus is CAN’s refugee arts programme. Exciting programmes of new writing, original theatre, music, film, workshops and live performance platform the voices, experiences and artistic work of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants living in Greater Manchester, and support well-being agendas for people taking part.
We have a range of employment, education and community services for Chinese men and women and other ethnic minority groups, including Somali, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian and many European nationalities. The Society aims to challenge all forms of discrimination and social exclusion through the provision of diverse and reactive services, delivered by a team of qualified social workers, nurses and other professionals. Apart from providing health and social care to the Chinese community, we have children’s projects, youth projects, women and parenting projects, adult learning, mental health projects and elderly projects. Day care services for older people are also available as well as a luncheon club and meals-on-wheels. We also provide ESOL support, welfare advice, legal advice and cultural awareness talks. Breaks and activities for all carers including young carers, elderly and those with mental health issues living in Manchester. Activities include Mandarin classes, pamper sessions, carers corner, outdoor activities, singing class, home visits, hospital visits and interpreting service. We also hold ESOL classes at The Welcome Centre (18-32 Brentfield Ave, Cheetham Hill M8 0TW) for pre-entry to entry 2 level. Classes run:
  • Mondays 10am -12pm & 12.30pm – 2.30pm
  • Tuesdays 10am -12pm & 12.30pm – 2.30pm