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ESOL courses are available to start all year round and are ideal for anyone who wants to improve and refresh their everyday skills in English and maths. They have been designed to allow learners to study around their current work and life commitments and learn at a pace that suits them. Bury College offer ESOL classes from Pre-Entry to Level 1, including Functional Skills English and maths qualifications, in addition to GCSE English and maths. Lessons take place during the day and in the evening. Bury College also offers additional support through Student Services which may include help with the costs of travelling to college, counselling and mental health support, additional learning support and welfare advice. How to apply for ESOL classes: If you live in Manchester or Greater Manchester and want to learn English, Manchester ESOL Advice Service can help you find the right learning opportunity. They can also signpost you to other support if you’re new to the UK. To find out which course is right for you, go to the GM ESOL Advice Service website and fill in a short enquiry form for the borough of Greater Manchester where you live. You will then be contacted about an ESOL assessment in your local area.

ESOL Skills for Work

If English isn’t your first language and you want to gain a recognised national certificate for your course of study, we want to offer you the best possible choices. We can help you to improve your English skills and achieve your goals.


Fully accredited ESOL qualification from Entry 1 to Level 1 in speaking, listening, reading and writing. You can learn and practice skills needed for work. Some courses offer an award in Employability.

Topics will include:

  • Action planning to improve performance
  • Working with others
  • Building confidence and Self-esteem
  • Working as a volunteer

Job Centre Plus Skills for Work

If you are working with a Job Centre Plus Advisor, they will be able to help you access our dedicated ESOL programmes for their clients.

ESOL Skills for Life and Learning

If English isn’t your first language and you don’t need a national certificate for your course of study, we want to offer you a course that will help you to develop your speaking, listening, reading and writing by improving your confidence in everyday situations. Encouraging you to access services, get involved in the community and help your children with their homework.

Award in Volunteering to Support English Language Teaching and Learning for ESOL learners

If English isn’t your first language and you want to gain a recognised national certificate at Level 1, that will provide you with an introduction to volunteering within an ESOL classroom and learning about language use. This will enable you how to assist and conduct yourself as a volunteer, understand Safeguarding and signpost to other agencies and create opportunities for social engagement to take place.

Award in Understanding Community Interpreting

If English isn’t your first language and you want to gain a recognised national certificate at Level 1, that will provide you with an understanding of community interpreting, communities, organisations, and about the role of the community interpreter.

Pre-entry Learning

Oldham Lifelong Learning is working with community organisations to help people learn English, access services, and get involved in the community. If you live in Oldham and want to learn English and improve your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills then these courses will help you. For more information and to book a skills check contact us via GM ESOL or email.   How to apply for ESOL classes: If you live in Manchester or Greater Manchester and want to learn English, Manchester ESOL Advice Service can help you find the right learning opportunity. They can also signpost you to other support if you’re new to the UK. To find out which course is right for you, go to the GM ESOL Advice Service website and fill in a short enquiry form for the borough of Greater Manchester where you live. You will then be contacted about an ESOL assessment in your local area.
ADAB offers ESOL courses from Pre-Entry to Level 1, as well as providing help and advice and employment training for adults. ADAB’s services are targeted towards all the residents living in the local communities in Bury, Greater Manchester, including Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities, refugees, and new and emerging migrant communities. Community cohesion, valuing diversity and inclusion are central key components within all the services they deliver. ADAB aims to be flexible with online delivery, but primarily offers in person classes, taking into account safety measures.   How to apply for ESOL classes: If you live in Manchester or Greater Manchester and want to learn English, Manchester ESOL Advice Service can help you find the right learning opportunity. They can also signpost you to other support if you’re new to the UK. To find out which course is right for you, go to the GM ESOL Advice Service website and fill in a short enquiry form for the borough of Greater Manchester where you live. You will then be contacted about an ESOL assessment in your local area.
We have a range of employment, education and community services for Chinese men and women and other ethnic minority groups, including Somali, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian and many European nationalities. The Society aims to challenge all forms of discrimination and social exclusion through the provision of diverse and reactive services, delivered by a team of qualified social workers, nurses and other professionals. Apart from providing health and social care to the Chinese community, we have children’s projects, youth projects, women and parenting projects, adult learning, mental health projects and elderly projects. Day care services for older people are also available as well as a luncheon club and meals-on-wheels. We also provide ESOL support, welfare advice, legal advice and cultural awareness talks. Breaks and activities for all carers including young carers, elderly and those with mental health issues living in Manchester. Activities include Mandarin classes, pamper sessions, carers corner, outdoor activities, singing class, home visits, hospital visits and interpreting service. We also hold ESOL classes at The Welcome Centre (18-32 Brentfield Ave, Cheetham Hill M8 0TW) for pre-entry to entry 2 level. Classes run:
  • Mondays 10am -12pm & 12.30pm – 2.30pm
  • Tuesdays 10am -12pm & 12.30pm – 2.30pm
“We support and advocate for Ethnic Communities within Stockport including Refugees. Support with 1-1 advocacy, housing, Health, Employment Benefits. Culturally appropriate foodbank Activity based work, e.g. Sewing Club, Children activities, Volunteer Training, Drama, Women’s Group, Choir Black Mens group Conversational English session. Immigration Surgery
Rainbow Haven is a community hub based in East Manchester, providing community drop-in sessions that offers support and activities for refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants. When we are open (Tuesday-Thursday) you can join classes and activities (including English classes and referrals to support to find work), have a hot drink and a lunchtime meal, and meet up with other people. We can also give you information about all our other activities, including: English classes, maths classes, arts and crafts, choir, gardening, computer club, and Mama and Baby Group. Our advice drop-in (Tuesday and Thursdays only) can offer support with destitution, housing and benefits advice and more. ESOL classes (registration needed) Beginner/Entry 1, Tuesdays 10-12 Complete beginner/Pre-Entry, Wednesdays 10-12 Intermediate/Entry 2-3, Thursdays 10-12 Drop-in: Conversation class, all levels, Tuesdays 1-3 Writing practice, beginners, Thursdays 10-12 All sessions are rolling and take place during Manchester term-time.